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Quorn Sausage Patties are available in selected Asda stores!
Here's a list of the Asda stores stocking Quorn Sausage Patties. Please call ahead to check availability if you're planning a journey specially.
Locations | |||
Abbey Park | Downpatrick | Larkhall | Shipley |
Aberdare | Dudley High Street | Larne Co Antrim (New) | Shoeburyness |
Alloa | Dumbarton | Leek | Shrewsbury |
Antrim | Dunbar | Lewisham | Sinfin (New) |
Arbroath | Dundonald | Leyland | Sittingbourne |
Ardrossan | Dyce | Leyton | Skelton |
Armadale | East Retford | Lincoln Nettleham Road | Small Heath |
Arnold | Eastlands | Liscard | Soham |
Arrowe Park | Eastleigh | Little Horton | South Gate Circus |
Ashford | Eccles | Liverpool Breck Road | South Shields (New) |
Aspley | Edinburgh | Llandudno (New) | South Wootton Kings Lynn |
Atherton | Edlington | Llanelli | Southampton West End |
Aylesbury | Elgin | Llangefni | Southport |
Balby | Ellesmere Port (New) | London Deptford High Stre | Spennymoor |
Ballyclare (New) | Falmouth | Long Eaton | St Matthews |
Bangor | Far Cotton | Longwell Green | St Nicholas Gate Carlisle |
Bangor Farrar Road | Feltham | Maesteg | Stainforth |
Barnes Hill | Fenton | Malton | Stamford Hill |
Barnsley | Ferring | Mansfield | Stanley |
Barrhead | Filton | Marple | Stenhousemuir |
Barrow | Flint | Maryhill | Stevenage |
Basingstoke | Forfar | Merthyr Tydfil (New) | Stockport Belmont |
Batley | Fraserburgh | Middlesbrough Park End | Stoke Park Ipswich |
Beckton | Frome | Middleton Park | Stoke Scotia Road |
Beeston Leeds | Galashiels | Milton Of Craigie | Stonecot |
Belvedere | Garston | Mitcham | Stoneycroft |
Benwell | Gateshead Old Fold | Moorthorpe | Stowmarket |
Beverley | Gillingham | Morecambe | Strabane (New) |
Bideford | Girvan | Morley | Strelley |
Biggleswade | Glasshoughton | Motherwell | Strood |
Billingham | Glenrothes (New) | Netherton | Sunderland Portsmouth Roa |
Birkenhead Stanley Road | Gloucester | New Ollerton | Sutton Ashfield |
Bishop Auckland(New) | Goole | Newark | Swindon |
Bishopbriggs | Goose Green | Newmains | Swindon Haydon |
Blackpool Welbeck Avenue | Gorseinon | Newport | Swinton |
Blackwood | Gorton | Newport Iow | Tain Highlands |
Blantyre | Gosforth | Newport Pillgwenlly | Taunton |
Bloxwich | Gosport | Newquay | Telford New |
Blyth Cowpen Road | Grangemouth | Newton Abbot | Thornaby |
Bodmin | Greengates | Newton Heath | Tilehurst |
Boldon | Greenhithe | Newtownards | Tipton |
Bolton | Grimsby | Normanton | Tiptree |
Bootle Orrell Lane | Grimsby Corporation Road | Oadby | Tonypandy |
Bradford (New) | Hailsham | Oakridge Park | Torquay |
Bridgend | Halifax | Oldham Hollins Road | Totton (Southampton) |
Bridgwater | Hamilton | Oldham Huddersfield Road | Tranent |
Brierley Hill | Harlow | Otley | Tunbridge Wells |
Bristol | Hartlepool (New) | Paignton Torbay | Tunstall |
Broadstairs | Harwich | Park Royal New | Tweedmouth |
Bromsgrove | Harworth | Parkgate | Twickenham |
Brynmawr | Hatfield (New) | Pembroke Dock | Uttoxeter |
Bucknall | Hazel Grove | Pentwyn | Wakefield Dewsbury Road |
Bury | Heath Town | Pershore | Wallsend |
Byker | Hemel Hempstead | Peterhead | Walthamstow |
Caldicot | Hereford | Ponders End | Washington |
Canford Heath | Heston | Pontefract | Wath Upon Dearne |
Cannock Lichfield Road | Highbridge | Poole | Wealdstone |
Canterbury (New) | Hindley | Portadown | Wellington |
Capehill | Hitchin | Portlethen | Wembley |
Carcroft | Hoddesdon | Portsmouth | West Bridgford |
Carterton | Holyhead | Pudsey | West Dundee |
Castlepoint | Home Shopping - Dartford | Quedgeley | Westerhope |
Chadderton | Home Shopping - Heston | Quinton | Weston-Super-Mare |
Cheadle | Home Shopping - Leeds | Ramsgate | Whitehaven |
Cheadle Hulme | Home Shopping - Nottingham | Raunds | Widnes (New) |
Chesser | Hull Beverley Road | Rayleigh | Wigan (New) |
Chesterfield | Hull Mount Pleasant | Redcar | Winsford |
Clayton Green | Hull Savoy Road | Robroyston | Wisbech |
Clevedon | Huntly | Rochdale | Woking |
Clydebank (New) | Huyton (New) | Rochdale Kingsway | Wolstanton |
Coalville | Hyde | Roehampton | Wolverhampton |
Coatbridge | Irvine | Romford | Wolverton |
Coleraine | Keighley | Rotherham | Workington Moss Bay Road |
Conisbrough | Kendal | Royston | Worksop Victoria |
Cookstown | Kidderminster New Road | Rugby | Worsbrough |
Cramlington | Kilkeel | Scunthorpe | Wortley |
Cumnock | Kilmarnock | Seaham | Wrexham |
Dalgety Bay | Kings Thorpe | Sedgley | Wyke |
Darlington | Kingshill | Sefton | Wythenshawe |
Darlington Neasham Road | Kingston Upon Thames | Selsey | Wythenshawe Hollyhedge Road |
Dartford | Kirkstall | Shaw | Yeovil |
Daubhill | Kirkton | Sheffield Drakehouse | York Layerthorpe |
Dewsbury | Lancaster | Sheffield Manor Top | Ystalyfera |
Donnington Wood | Lancing | Sheffield Queens Road | |
Dover | Langley Mill | Shepshed |
For product & nutritional information, click here.
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